It’s Earth Day, and to mark the globally recognized event, Google’s doodle team has created an animated illustration that serves up an “Earth Day: Which animal are you?” quiz. With a rotating globe in front of an animal-themed Google logo, the Earth Day Doodle returns search results that list the Earth Day Network’s Footprint Calculator quiz at the top of the page
Google has created a new Google Doodle to celebrate Earth Day 2015 and it features a nifty environmental quiz.
Join Earth Day Network on Earth Day 2018 - April 22 - to help end plastic pollution. Plastic is threatening our planet's survival, from poisoning and injuring marine life to disrupting human hormones, from littering our beaches and landscapes to clogging our streams and landfills. Together, we can make a difference.
Happy Earth Day everyone! Google has a special animated Doodle for today, and Bing and Dogpile also have custom designs for today, not Yahoo or by the way. Google's Earth Day logo is animated and even takes you to a 5 point quiz, their "earth day quiz" which tells you which animal you are. I am a Pangolin by the wa